Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An important practical problem is a personalized selection of characteristics and parameters of intravascular frame to reduce traumatism of inner lining artery - the intima, which, in turn, reduces the instent restenosis. The solution of this problem is due to the phase calculation biomechanical model of the vessel with its stenosed area and implantable stent in accordance with the mechanical and geometric parameters of the pathophysiological characteristics and conditionally normal plots of the artery. The article presents the techniques and methods selection of the geometric characteristics of the stent, the pressure in the balloon used for intravascular angioplasty, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient´s coronary artery. The selection me-thods are based on biomechanical models of intact areas of the coronary arteries, the parameters were taken from the available references. As the study results are data obtained in simulation of balloon dilation and stenting of the coronary arteries. The presented calculations require biomechanical computer models of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric stenosed intact aras of the coronary arteries, as well as biomechanical models commonly used stents and dilatation balloon catheters for interventional procedures on coronary arteries.

coronary stenting, expert evaluation, finite element modeling, personalized medicine.

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