Donetsk People's Republic
UDK 331.1 Теория и организация труда. Взаимоотношения между предприятием и персоналом, между работодателями и работающими, между трудом и капиталом
The article considers the essential and content characteristics of the definition of "motivation", gives its author's definition, the distinctive feature of which is the consideration of motivation as a combination of internal motives and external influences that encourage a person to certain actions and deeds aimed at solving specific problems that contribute to the achievement of goals. . The institutional-evolutionary approach to determining the motives for recruiting to work has been scientifically substantiated. The scientific and practical approach to the creation of a motivation system in educational structures is considered; the factors hindering the implementation of the motivation system for personnel engaged in educational activities are identified. It has been proved that it is advisable to consider self-realization as the main motivational component of stimulating the personnel of the educational sphere. A scientific and practical approach to stimulating personnel using different types of motivation is proposed: through external influences on a person and through the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. A structural-functional analysis of the motives of educational activity was carried out. The role of attitude is considered as a readiness formed in a person for a certain behavior, a positive or negative response to events and facts. A scientific and practical approach to the use of the psychological concept of the motivational mechanism of educational activity, including the cognitive needs of the employee, his interests, and individual typological features, is substantiated. A systematic analysis of the motivators of educational activity was carried out, as a result of which the dominant motivator was singled out - “the desire for achievements”; it is substantiated that achievement motivation is an effective stimulator of educational activity activation. The relationship between achievement motives and the employee's emotional state is substantiated: the higher the level of development of the achievement motive, the more likely it is that the employee's activity will be affected by a certain emotional state that arises when unforeseen obstacles appear on the way to achieving the set goal.
motivation, stimulation, educational activity, motive; motivators, staff
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