Purpose: To build an optimization model of multimodal cargo transportations in a port-side transport and technological system with the participation of rail and sea kinds of transport based on egalitarian principles, the model allows manipulating the values of parameters characterizing a transportation process and taking into account interests of transportation process participants within the frames of being considered cost indicators. Methods: An algorithm has been developed for planning the shipment and delivery of cargo flows to port station address in view of routing, time and cost parameters of transportation process which under, cost optimal values of being transported cargo and complex time indicators of transportation process are provided. One of the limitations in the optimization task is the volume of a ship batch that’s expected at any port unloading stations. The built mathematical model is a multi-criteria and multi-extreme task of nonlinear stochastic integer programming. The research theoretical and economic basis is the synthesis of the classical concepts of utilitarian and egalitarian approaches in a welfare theory that makes it possible to build sounded theoretically and demanded in practice the optimization models of multimodal freight transportation railway component. Results: Developed in analytical computing system environment the optimization algorithm provides opportunities along with Pareto optimal transportation plans for to find plans embodying “just in time” logistic concept, so at these plans, it is also achieved the balance of interests of transportation considered participants. Practical importance: An approach is proposed for to study freight transportation organization on a railway landfill wherein transportations are pursued within the framework of multimodal port-side transport and technological system. The developed models and algorithms can be recommended for practical use during the formation and analysis of logistic supply chains with rail and sea transport kind participation.
Transport systems, railway transport, sea transport, planning, optimization, computational experiment
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