, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The paper touches upon the problem of the innovative activities in the higher school educational system. The innovative activities of universities in our country and abroad have been analyzed. The American, European and Asian models of design and construction of technoparks are described. The European model is found most suitable for implementing in Russia. The main methods of managing the educational process are shown. The model of the innovative process of the university is described through the structure of the educational-scientific-innovative complex. The basic concepts that define the innovation process in the university including the creation of technoparks are outlined. Efficiency of higher school activity is estimated. A technology is proposed to increase the efficiency of the university activity by creating an educational-scientific-innovative complex. The issues of knowledge management and education quality management are outlined. The broader interpretation of the innovative activities of universities is theoretically justified. Effective innovation is evaluated through the efficiency of the innovation process, which is defined as the ratio of proceeds from the implementation of an innovative product or service to the total costs of research, development, training, development of an innovative structure, taxes, debts and loan commitments. A model of the innovation process of the university is presented in the form of four blocks: educational, scientific, innovative, and consumer. The role of universities in developing technology, economics, education level, increase in the efficiency of using the capabilities of the university in the use of intellectual information resources is shown. The tasks of the educational-scientific-innovative complex of the university are outlined and the stages of the innovation process are described. The prospects of the research comprise the development of a model of innovative development of the university. The nature of innovation in universities and the conceptual model of the innovation process are described
methods of university management, educational-scientific-innovative complex, education quality management, model of the innovative process of the university, knowledge management, efficiency of the university, structure of the educational-scientific-innovative complex, stages of the innovative process of the university, personnel policy of the university, the process of innovation in universities
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