The article presents new results of the research on the problem of communicative formation of the image of environmentally disadvantaged territories. The relevance of the issue is supplemented by new factors in the context of environmental discourse and language images of the territory in the regional media. The ecological image of the territory acquires relevance in the concept of sustainable development. The aim of the study is to try to identify the features of environmental news coverage in the regional media of environmentally disadvantaged territories, linguistic patterns of image creation in the news content. The key toolkit was the method of content analysis and survey, contributing to the understanding of the problem. The methodology and methods of research are built on the scientific approaches of domestic and foreign scientists, who raise the problem at the methodological level. A special place in the methodology of analysis is taken by the linguistic analysis of texts. The angle of presentation and consideration of the problem is important. Informational environmental agenda of Internet media of industrial regions becomes a conditional mirror, which reflects the current reality. The results of the study showed that there is a direct link between the image of the territory and its information promotion in the information agenda of the region, which forms the communicative image of the territory in the media space. The assumption that language images influence the attractiveness of the region is confirmed. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the attempt to integrate the methods of classical content analysis of the environmental agenda of the regional media and methods of linguistic analysis in environmental communications. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility to use the materials to translate the experience of the regional media in the practice of environmental journalism, forming the impression and representation of the attractiveness of the risk territories.
Environmental communications, communicative image, environmental journalism, regional media, language images, media language
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