Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article, the state of art in the area of ultrawideband (UWB) communication using VHF and UHF frequency bands is analyzed and its relevance is shown, including direct chaotic communication. The problem of creation of UWB direct chaotic transceivers using VHF and UHF frequency bands is investigated from both the theoretical point of view and its practical implementation. Potential characteristics of the devices working in these bands are estimated, such as transmission rate, communication distance, energy consumption, error probability rate and link margin calculus. In the experimental part of this work, the development of transceiver mockups operating in 200–450 MHz band is described, as well as their structure, technical implementation and characteristics. The results of laboratory and field experiments with the created mockups show that they are capable of data transmission exceeding one kilometer.

wireless communication, ultrawideband, direct chaotic communication, VHF, UHF
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