, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Prospective designs of microwave power amplifiers for on-board equipment of service systems are considered, in which the problem of minimizing the area occupied by them on a thermally stabilized plate of a spacecraft is solved. Microwave power amplifiers provide good heat dissipation and require a degree of redundancy. Each of the amplifiers included in the redundant microwave power amplifier is made on boards located perpendicular to the heat-stabilized plate and fixed on the plate on one or both sides. The area occupied by a duplicated or triple redundant microwave power amplifier does not exceed the area on a thermally stabilized plate required to remove heat from one microwave power amplifier included in its composition. And for a triple redundant microwave power amplifier – the area required for heat removal from two such amplifiers.
spacecraft, microwave power amplifier, thermally stabilized plate, heat sink, mechanical stability, cross-backup device, manufacturability
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