Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the basis of the five principles that characterize complex systems, systems of the third type. The authors provide the opportunities caused from the solutions of the equations of kinematics and dynamics. Uncertainty, unpredictability and uniqueness of complex systems, which include the human body, are demonstrated. The first principle, the postulate of synergetics, is associated with homogeneous systems in which the dynamics of the behavior of the system as a whole and not its individual elements, - is studied. The second principle of the organization of the systems of the third type - the glimmering property, - it is impossible to repeat the motion trajectory in phase space. This position is confirmed by the tremorogramm analysis. The third and fourth principles are evolution and teleological motion vectors of such systems to the final state, de-scribed not a point, but the area of phase space, quasi-attractor. The fifth property is the possibility of the output coordinates of the state vector to outside at 3, 10 and more Sigma, which ensures the survivability of biological systems.

systems of the third type, chaos theory and self-organization, phase state space, determinism, stochastics, postural tremor.

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