Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to issues concerning the prospects of development in the field of digitalization of the economy. Various points of view on the nature of problems in the field of digitalization of the Russian economy are considered. Statistical data concerning quantitative indicators of the use of personal computers by organizations, special software and having websites on the Internet are analyzed. The complex of measures aimed at supporting the IT industry is analyzed and the issues of the effectiveness of their application are considered. According to the results of the study, the need for the formation of a digital infrastructure that allows combining a number of institutions, subsequently forming a system aimed at the development of competitive industries based on digitalization, is proved. An assumption has been formed about the creation of a single coordination center in the form of a state corporation to address the issues of digitalization of the branches of the national economy of the Russian Federation, which allows managing investment flows more efficiently and based on the specifics of the functioning of the IT sphere.

digitalization, economy, state corporations, information technology, economic efficiency

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