, Russian Federation
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of the current state and actual aspects of improving the system for assessing the activities of operational units of internal affairs bodies in Russia. On the basis of the conducted systematic study of the problem posed, the logical and conceptual foundations for improving the assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the operational units of the police have been formulated. An assessment of the place and role of activities to assess the effectiveness of the work of operational units in the system of law enforcement activities and in the system of social management as a whole is given, the requirements for assessing the effectiveness of both its individual elements and their integrity are formulated.
legal regulation, prompt-search activities, efficiency criteria
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2. Pereslegin S. B. Self-instruction manual for playing on the world chessboard. Moscow: AST Publ.; St. Petersburg: Terra fantastica Publ., 2007. 533 p. (In Russ.)