Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the annual All-Russian scientific and methodological conference "Problems of Engineering Geometry" and the annual All-Russian scientific and methodological seminar "Geometry and Graphics" in 2021. Statistical information about the conference and seminar is provided: the number of participants, universities, the number of cities and countries in which universities are located -participants. Using the expression proposed earlier, the activity of participation of the departments of graphic disciplines in the conference "Problems of Engineering Geometry" and the seminar "Geometry and Graphics", held in 2021, was determined. The comparison of the number of participants and reports of the conference and seminar in 2021 with the number of participants and reports is given and analyzed International Internet conferences "Quality of graphic training" at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. The results of the All-Russian Seminars "Geometry and Graphics" and the All-Russian Conferences "Problems of Engineering Geometry" of the last two years are compared with each other. In order to compare conferences and seminars quantitatively, not qualitatively, a relationship has been proposed. The content of the reports of the participants of the conference and the seminar is briefly considered. Conclusions are drawn: 1) in 2021, in terms of the success of the seminar "Geometry and Graphics" and the conference "Problems of Engineering Geometry", we managed to move forward - the success rate increased; 2) judging by the number of reports, scientific work on the profile of the department is carried out in a small number of departments. This is due to shortcomings in the staffing of departments of graphic disciplines by teachers. One of them is a lack of understanding that the winners or participants of All-Russian and regional Olympiads who have undergone appropriate training should work as teachers.

geometry, graphics, scientific and methodological conference, seminar, All-Russian, participants, university

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