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Abstract (English):
For experiments on laser interaction with matter, a method has been developed for manufacturing a low-density material from aluminum and copper by the method of resistive sputtering in an inert gas – argon. Deposition was carried out at two gas pressures: 40 Pa and 440 Pa. The densities of the obtained samples were determined by the gravimetric method: the mass of the sprayed layer was measured by weighing the substrate before and after deposition, the volume was calculated based on measurements of the material thickness using an optical profilometer. The thickness of the deposition layer is 74.8 ± 0.9 μm. The minimum density was achieved on a sample of a porous aluminum layer obtained at a pressure of 440 Pa. Its value was (72 ± 4) mg/cm3. According to the images obtained with a scanning electron microscope, it was found that the pore size in the material does not exceed 3 microns. Measurements of the chemical composition with an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer showed the presence of oxygen on the samples, which indicates the oxidation of the surface layer of the prepared samples. targets (2 pcs.) for experiments on laser interaction with matter were made from the samples of porous aluminum obtained in this work.

low-density metal foam, aluminum, copper, resistive sputtering method, laser target
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