Abstract: The current civilizational crisis of ideology makes peoples join their efforts in search for adequate responses to the challenges of the time. The modern modeling of new state and legal forms of civilizational unity uses abstraction, analysis and synthesis, as well as specific historical and comparative legal approaches. Observation of political and legal processes makes it possible to hypothesize on the transformations of modern civilizational states. The present article features various possible forms of Slavic state unity. The authors used N. Ya. Danilevsky's scientific heritage to consider the theoretical and legal issues of pan-Slavism, as well as the civilizational contradictions between various Slavic peoples and between Russia and the West. The paper introduces three prospective levels of a Pan-Slavic unity. The first one presupposes Slavic self-identification with the preservation of the common folk spirit and the interpenetration of Slavic cultures. The second level involves an interstate confederation of Slavic states. The third level is a Slavic Federation of Russia, Belarus, and Serbia. The authors believe that a legal pan-Slavic unity is possible if it maintains different levels and forms. The existing European constitutional and state-building experience proves that unified political regimes and social systems are less important than an international legal mechanism for harmonizing pan-Slavic interests in Europe. This mechanism should be aimed at preserving the traditional closeness and mutual influence of Slavic cultures, art, everyday life, and mentality. This pan-Slavic interstate mechanism could coordinate the interests and stabilize the development of Europe. The Pan-Slavic union state is possible if individual Slavic states consolidate their civil and political will on their unification with Russia.
N. Ya. Danilevsky, Slavs, state, Pan-Slavic union, federation, civilization, orthodoxy, Russia, the West
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