Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A retrospective analysis of 480 newborns with post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus was carried out for the period 2000-2018 years. Decompensation of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics (CSFD) was observed in 189 children. It is noted that quantitative indicators of dynamic of secondary reduction of periventricular brain density (PBD) in CSFD can serve as criteria for objective evaluation in the differential analysis of hypertensive and posthypoxic (ischemic) genesis of brain damage. The proposed algorithm correction of post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus using methods of coronary-lambdoid subarachno-ventriculostomy and ventriculo-subarachnoid stenting expands the potential of early pathogenesis treatment with an increase in the surgical index of stabilization of CSFD, restoration of intracranial circulation and absorption of liquor.

newborns, hydrocephalus, neurosurgical treatment
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