Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The growth and mycorrhization of the 1-year-old pine seedlings root system were considered when they were grown in a forest nursery after carrying out various agrotechnical measures: sowing pine after green manure and bare fallow, and also introducing forest litter into the soil. The best growth and the root system development were observed in seedlings grown after bare fallow and bare fallow with the introduction of forest litter in conditions of poor soils (low supply of nutrients). Seedlings grown in all variants after bare fallow had the best growth rates than seedlings grown after green manure. Concluded it is recommended to carry out the bioremediation to reduce soil contamination by pesticides using forest litter in fields without the use of green manure. This method can allow not only to increase the linear sizes of pine seedlings, but also to improve the soil quality
Scotch pine, seedlings, nursery, bare fallow, green manure fallow, mycorrhiza
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