Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Department of Human Resources Management and Psychology, Professor)
Research Institute "New Economy and Business" ( director)
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article examines the impact of economic instability on investment processes taking place in the secondary sector of the economy. The role of state regulation of investment policy in ensuring the stability of the economy and national security is shown. The anal-ysis of the factors of economic instability, assessment of the dynamics of the most im-portant macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation for 2010–2020 is carried out. It is shown how the factors of economic instability affect the volume of investments in the secondary sector of the economy. The degree of influence of sanctions on the industrial complex of the country and the investment attractiveness of the secondary sectors of the economy is determined.
economic instability, government regulation, threats, innovation activity, investment climate, secondary sector of the economy, economic shocks, technological security
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