Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Retail chains play a great role in development of trade branch in the territory, their contribution to GRP in Tatarstan makes 30% (2021). The development of retail network services, the introduction of modern tools and solutions to improve the quality of trade services can provide a higher level of end user satisfaction, the competitiveness of trade organizations. The main purpose of the research is to summarize modern organizational, economic and managerial solutions, which allow introducing service development measures. The article substantiates the necessity of using process, customer-oriented, integral approaches, which in complex allow optimizing business processes of a trade network, form own standards of interaction of all stakeholders inside the chain of consumer value chain of trade network, conduct integral assessment of service development, develop On the basis of the conducted assessment of three regional trading networks "Bakhhetle", "Edelweiss" a number of organizational-economic, managerial decisions, which are relevant to the practice and will allow to ensure the effective development of services and be sustainable in the consumer market, were proposed.

trading networks, services, organizational-economic, managerial, solution, tools, development

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