Simferopol'skiy klinicheskiy rodil'nyy dom №1
Simferopol'skiy klinicheskiy rodil'nyy dom №1
Simferopol'skiy klinicheskiy rodil'nyy dom №1
One of the leading conditions that complicates the course of pregnancy and adversely affects the condition of the woman, the fetus and the newborn is the mother’s diabetes mellitus. The objective of this paper is to study the features of pregnancy, childbirth and fetal development and women with diabetes of varying severity. Matherials and Methods. 185 pregnant women with diabetes mellitus were examined: 1 group – 25 women with mild diabetes; 2 group – 50 women with moderate severity; 3 group – 48 women with severe; 4 group – 29 women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The control group consisted of 30 healthy women who had uneventful pregnancy and childbirth. Results. The analysis of 185 cases of the course of pregnancy monitoring and childbirth in patients with diabetes mellitus of various degrees of severity and gestational diabetes mellitus revealed a direct relationship between the form and severity of diabetes mellitus with the frequency of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, the degree of degenerative changes in the placenta, deterioration of the fetal state, as well as perinatal morbidity and mortality. Conclusions. In patients with gestational diabetes, with mild, moderate and severe diabetes, pathological changes in the placenta are more often detected by histochemical and ultramicroscopic studies, compared with microscopic and macroscopic methods, which can be used for early diagnosis and prevention of complications in this category of patients.
pregnancy, labor, fetus, newborn, diabetes
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