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Abstract (English):
In 2018, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recommended the Russian Federation to amend the rules for establishing the degree of loss of professional ability to work in order to increase the level of transparency and efficiency of guarantees provided to workers injured as a result of accidents and occupational diseases. Objective: to assess the need to amend the existing Temporary criteria for determining the degree of UPT based on an analysis of established expert practice in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other factors that can affect the severity of the consequences of work-related injuries and occupational diseases. To assess the existing practice of establishing the degree of loss of professional ability to work, expert decisions were analyzed in 77 constituent entities of the Russian Federation over the past 3 years, existing regulatory legal documents, indicators of the quality and accessibility of medical care in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as data on the duration of cases of temporary disability in injured persons at work . The analysis revealed a high level of variability of expert decisions made and the absence of a relationship between the quality and availability of medical care in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the length of time on the sick leave for the consequences of injuries at work. Given the high level of variability of expert decision making in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for similar expert cases (coefficient of variation of 21.6%), the authors conclude that it is necessary to change approaches to the methodology for assessing the nature of professional activity (qualifications, quality and volume of work, ability to perform it) .

degree of loss of occupational ability, social insurance, injured at work, medical and social examination
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