Expansion of hemorrhoidal veins in children is a rather rare pathology. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the clinical picture and treatment results of 46 children aged 1 to 18 years. The main causes of hemorrhoids were persistent constipation in 39,1% of patients, diarrhea in 21,7%, a two-stage act of defecation in 13%, sports overload in 13%, coughing attacks in 6.5%, and intense urination, due to urinary tract disorders – in 6,5% and others. In the group of children under 3 years of age, conservative therapy was more effective in 70,2%, relapses were noted in 5,5% of children. In 9 children (24,3%), the failure of conservative treatment was an indication for hemorrhoectomy. After surgical correction, relapses were not observed. The choice of treatment methods taking into account the age characteristics of children allowed the authors to get good results.
hemorrhoids, diagnostic features, conservative treatment and surgical treatment
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