Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the propeller as one of the main directions of improving the main power plant. The requirements of the MARPOL-73 Convention as amended and the need to adapt the main power plant to changing operating conditions require improvement of the fixed-pitch propeller design. The article presents the results of the study of the flow profile of the propeller blade, with the supply of additional water along the chord, concerning the suction surface. This work is an adaptation of the method used in aviation to increase lift by blowing the boundary layer and the jet flap. The magnitude of the lift has a significant impact on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the propeller. The numerical simulation of the propeller blade profile in compressible and incompressible media is performed, as well as the calculation of the parameters of the profile NACA-0012 with additional water supply. The simulation results are confirmed by comparison with known simulation results for compressible media and experimental data. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the propeller due to the jet supply of additional water to the suction surface of the blade along the chord is proved. The results of the work can be in order to control the mode of operation of the main engine, by changing the stop and the hy drodynamic moment of resistance to the rotation of the propeller.

main propulsion, propeller, the blade, the profile of the jet impact, numerical simulation
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