Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the research is to study the constitutional features of teenage boys with the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction of sympathetic tonic type. A somatometry of 100 adolescent boys (70 healthy and 30 boys with syndrome of vegetative dysfunction of sympathetic tonic type) according to V.V. Bunak’s method (1941) was carried out. Determination of somatic type and severity of fat, muscle and bone components of the body was conducted by the method of R. N. Dorokhov, V., Petrukhin (1989). As results of this study the fea-tures of somatic type distribution and severity of fat, muscle and bone components of the body in the boys with syndrome of vegetative dysfunction were revealed. In boys with syndrome of vegetative dysfunction the predo-minance macrosomic type (38,4%) was found, this corresponds to high values of length and weight. In healthy boys it was established the predominance micro and intermediate types (31,5%; 28.6%) corresponding to aver-age and below average values of overall performance. To study muscle and bone components of the body, the predominance of high and average values among boys with syndrome of vegetative dysfunction sympathetic tonic and below average values - in healthy boys.

syndrome of vegetative dysfunction, somatotype, teenagers, components of body weight.

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