The article is devoted to the development of transport infrastructure in the Azov-black sea basin providing cargo transshipment on artificially formed roadside transshipment areas in the waters of the sea of Azov on transport vessels with a capacity of 50 000 tons. The mandatory regulations at the port of Kerch "On the CAKE set two-way traffic", however, these decisions established that "Passage under the bridge cake from the pair of buoys N 19 and N 20 to a couple of buoys N 23 and N 24 is set to one-way traffic for vessels with a length of more than 20 meters." The technical characteristics of the Crimean bridge allow the passage of vessels with a surface height dimension of not more than 33 meters, with a length of up to 252 meters and a draft of not more than eight meters. However, the actual depth of the Kerch Strait does not allow safe navigation of such vessels and as a consequence, the RAID loading of medium and large tonnage vessels of 50-100 thousand tons are forced to carry out in the Black sea, while losing significant time on technological downtime in anticipation of cargo delivery on river-sea vessels and ports of the Volga-don basin.
Crimean bridge, Kerch Strait, reverse traffic, ship traffic control system (TCS), Kiziltash estuary, southern transport ring of Russia, hydrographic features and navigational AIDS of the Kerch Strait
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