Russian Federation
The article considers through numerical modeling and product lifecycle management. The scheme is based on complex models and technologies. Calculation of the optimal geometry of the surface of the products on the example of a screw, generating a control path for the machine; vibration modeling equipment. The relationship between the accuracy of machining and the elastic deformations of the machined screw is revealed. Dynamic models of the components of the technological system are developed. Based on them, a virtual simulation of production, optimization and adaptive control of technological parameters is possible. This approach is implemented in an adaptive system for controlling the temperature and power state of screws during processing. The algorithms used fuzzy logic apparatus. The complex of the obtained solutions can be interfaced with the existing life-cycle support systems for products of the shipbuilding industry in the form of digital prototypes.
PLM, shipbuilding, digital model, technology, control system, screw, processing, dynamic analysis, equipment
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