The conditions of storage and transportation of bulk cargoes are greatly influenced by the temperature and humidity of the environment. This work explores the process of hydrothermal hydration of porous substances associated with the phenomena of sorbtion and desorption, in order to choose the optimal conditions for storing and transporting bulk cargoes. The studies were carried out on the example of nitroammofoska transported through the Novorossiysk commercial sea port. Due to the lack of analytical description of the processes of hydration of porous bodies associated with the phenomena of sorbtion and desorbtion in the literature, this work experimentally investigated the dependence of specific moisture content of nitroammophoska on relative humidity of the surrounding air. The constructed isotherms of sorption and desorption of moisture bynitroammofoska, which showed that the process of moistening theof nitroammofoskais a physical adsorption. This work defines optimal conditions for storage and transportation of bulk cargo by sea on the example of nitroammofoska.
bulk cargo, nitroammophoska, sorption, desorption
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