The article reviews and analyzes the dependencies that must be taken into account when building polynomial models of a single-phase asynchronous motor without external phase-shifting devices for ship automation systems. It is noted that of the dependences identified in the work, the most important is the dependence of the starting torque on the electric angle between the ages of the windings 1 and 44 - a. Where the choice of the optimal electric angle is not very negatively affects the starting torque of a single-phase asynchronous electric motor without external phase-shifting devices for marine automation systems, this is especially noticeable in systems that have strict requirements on the quality of the output characteristics of such systems including micro electric motors, for example system of automatic control and monitoring of the vessel, control system of the main propulsive installation of the vessel and others ..To clarify the dependencies in a single-phase induction motor, the constructed characteristics and electromagnetic curves of the electromagnetic moment of a single-phase asynchronous motor are given for different values of the rotor resistance. As a result of the studies, the dependence of the characteristics of the engine on the number of turns in the additional windings of the engine is established, according to the data obtained, dependency graphs are constructed. Also, the work shows how the air gap affects the starting characteristics of the micro electric motor, an explanation of this effect is given. The result of this work is the determination of the optimal spatial angle at which the starting and maximum moments have maximums, as well as obtaining dependencies that give us generalized information about the properties and characteristics of a single-phase asynchronous motor without external phase-shifting devices, which must be taken into account when constructing polynomial models of this engine using experimental design methods .
single-phase asynchronous motor, external phase-shifting devices, polynomial models, ship automation systems, experiment planning method
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