In ship flotation separators, to intensify the cleaning process, a reagent treatment method is used using solutions of mineral coagulants. This method leads to the following negative consequences: the corrosiveness of the water increases, a large amount of sediment is formed, and secondary water pollution occurs with the products of hydrolysis of mineral salts. The above disadvantages are devoid of the method of preliminary treatment of oily waters with ionic flocculants, which is successfully used in the practice of onshore treatment equipment. The paper analyzes the results of well-known studies devoted to the analysis of methods for reagent treatment of oily waters, physical and chemical foundations of the process of destabilization of oil-water emulsions. It is shown that the efficiency of the process, first of all, depends on the phase-dispersed state of the oil-water emulsion pollution. The phase-dispersed composition of ship bilge waters has been determined. An algorithm for choosing the most effective flocculant for flotation treatment of ship bilge water is proposed.
ship bilge water, fractional composition of oil products, flotation
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