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Abstract (English):
The relevance of this work is to disclose the content and structure of ship management, the impact of the reflecting process and the Institute of Offshore Zones on its development, the role of the International Code to ensure the safety and prevention of progress (MCUES) in strengthening the positions of independent ship management in as a significant factor of the ship industry. In connection with these objectives of the study are: argued allocation in the form of separate composite elements of management services provided by ship management; A detailed consideration of the theoretical and practical aspects of the management of "Manning" companies developing the definition of the process of relapsing vessels; studying the nature of the impact of the reflating process on the development of judicial management; analysis of legislation leading offshore zones, identification of general traits, advantages and disadvantages; - consideration of issues related to the creation of companies and their management, including offshore; The object of the study is the process of ship management in offshore zones. The novelty of the work is that the formulation of the relegation process and the disclosure of its impact on the development of ship management is given; The main offshore zones are systematized, their common features and characteristic features are determined, the difference between crewing and manning companies is shown and the content of practical activity is disclosed. The practical significance of studies is to form a scientific approach to the process of ship management, which allows streamlining in practice by the adoption by shipowner companies of strategic decisions on the independent implementation of ship management or delegation of individual services to specialized companies.

ship management, ship registers, offshore zones, types of offshore companies
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