Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents a comprehensive system for diagnostics of engines of power plants of ships and marine equipment. The accumulated experience in conducting experimental studies of the technical condition control by the CIP method of diagnostics will make it possible to move from the classical approaches of technical operation to the new ones included in the remote control system using an automated measuring system and control of ship technical means of autonomous ships in operation. During the development of the automated measuring system, a selection of experimental instrumentation was carried out to study the operating parameters and automate the control and monitoring processes of the engine in operation. The experimental research methodology includes a classic approach to conducting such tests and a modem approach with remote data transmission to the shipowner's office. Experimental studies on the development of technology and an integrated diagnostic system for a diesel installation using a multichannel automated measuring system, carried out in the running mode of the engine, made it possible to determine the analog interchangeability of standard FOS control systems, as well as to more extensively monitor work processes at any period of engine operation. The experimental studies carried out made it possible to determine the necessary conditions for measuring the operating parameters of an integrated diagnostic system for engines of power plants of ships and marine equipment.

control, engine, marine technology, operational parameters, diagnostic equipment
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