Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers a complex aspect of the technology of obtaining low-quality materials of geophysical research of the shelf. Semi-personnel as a result of deep-sea towing of the underwater geophysical outboard complex (GZK) data (sonar survey, side scan sonar results, various telemetry) depend on the equipment name and the presence of noise in the received data. It says the speed, yaw and trim of the GZK in the longitudinal-vertical plane-bone, when shooting it is advisable to withstand a certain angle of attack to obtain a «promising» projection of the bottom. Assessment of the manoeuvrability of the GZK in the vertical plane is necessary to determine its dynamic capabilities when bypassing obstacles and tracking changing terrain.

geophysical outboard complex (GZK), plugging force (ZS), towing speed, garage-submersible (GZ), zero buoyancy carrier (NNP), vertical steering device (VPU), communication cable (SC)
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