Couplings in drives of modem transport vessels are used for constant connection of shafts of units, coupling and disengagement of shafts, reduction of dynamic loads and compensation of misalignments, limitation of transmitted load and speed, etc. A characteristic feature of modem propulsion complexes of sea vessels is the large capacity of power plants, high speeds of working processes, significant efforts arising during the work. Mechanisms transmitting rotational motion from motors to actuators of machines are subjected to dynamic actions generated either by variable forces occurring during performance of working process or by variable inertial forces occurring during non-uniform movement of working elements of machine Therefore, the operation of ship propulsion systems is accompanied by vibrations and shocks that reduce the strength and durability of the drive mechanisms, cause fatigue phenomena, increase noise in transmissions, etc.
Propulsive complex, shaft couplings, ship shaft lines, fatigue, visual inspection, flange part of shaft coupling, grating, wavy cracks, point corrosion, micro structure of shaft coupling
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