Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article "Blockchain as a technology of functional stability of international maritime operations" shows the important role of the sea trade port as a large logistics center. A comparative analysis of all modes of transport has been carried out. Key analysis criteria show the particular importance of maritime transport in the global economy. The influence of many factors that have a direct impact on the transport of goods by sea has been investigated. Trends in the progressive growth of cargo transshipment capacities in seaports indicate their increasing importance as large transport hubs. This contributes to the development of seaports as major logical centers. It is potentially promising to use cloud tools - blockchain technology, Internet of Things, etc., as special software for logistics providers. The use of new telecommunication technologies will not only bring the market of transport and logistics services to a new level, but also have a positive impact on the efficiency of fleet management.

cloud computing, management of the fleet, seaport, blockchain technology, sea transport, optimization, transport and logistic processes
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