One of the technical problems in the transportation of crystalline bulk cargoes is the change in their structure at high humidity or high temperature. In this case, the number of water molecules in the formula unit of crystals may change, which leads to a change in the physical and chemical properties of the material. The developed diagnostics for studying the crystal structure is simpler and cheaper than the known X-ray phase and chemical analysis methods, and is environmentally safe. It is based on the study of one of the maxima of the spectrum of thermally stimulated depolarization currents, the appearance of which, as the experiment showed, is due to the relaxation of water molecules. The magnitude of this maximum turned out to be proportional to the number of water molecules in the formula unit of crystals. The proposed diagnostics can be used for other classes of crystallohydrates (carbonates, chlorites, nitrates, phosphates, etc.).
Diagnostics, crystallographic structure, thermally stimulated depolarization currents, X-ray phase analysis, diffractometers
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