Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this article is to consider ammonia as an alternative to modem fuels. A comparison with them is considered, and a theoretical layout of the engine running on ammonia is also presented. The article also covers the following issues such as comparison of Ammonia with other alternative fuels, comparison of prices of Ammonia with diesel and heavy fuels, emissions of harmful substances, production, transportation and storage of it on a ship. The novelty of this article is that the type of fuel under consideration is often not considered as an alternative, competing with hydrogen and natural gas. However, it has a number of advantages, both environmental and technical and economic. The article also discusses 3 methods for converting ship engines to ammonia, 2 of which are applicable to ships already in operation. Comparison of prices for ammonia with other fuels has been made. The conclusions of the article are lower rates of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, low cost, methods for switching to it and increasing engine efficiency. There are no C02 and SOx emissions and NOx is greatly reduced. Ammonia is cheaper than HFO and DO, as well as H2 and TNG. The conversion of a marine engine to Ammonia is possible by increasing the compression ratio, using forced ignition, as well as using it in conjunction with the additives listed in the article.

CO2, SOx, NOx, efficiency, production, transportation and storage, corrosion, combustion, engine layout
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