The efficiency of the flight is significantly influenced by the conjuncture of the global freight market, as well as flight fuel costs. The main factors determining the amount of fuel costs are the price of fuel and the speedof the vessel, which is determined by the technical and operational characteristics of the vessel and the requirements of the charterer for the movement of the vessel to the port of discharge. Thechoice of the research topic is due to its relevance and modernity, since high-quality ship management implies an improvement in the economic indicators of the client, which can be achieved by reducing fuel costs by using the optimal speed of the vessel during the voyage. The authors in this article investigated the effect of the ship's speed on the shipowner's income from the operation of the vessel, taking into account pricing in the tanker section of the freight market, and also presented an example of calculating the optimal speed of the vessel depending on the conditions of the freight and bunker markets in a certain cargo direction.
shipping company, operating costs, vessel speed, contract of carriage, time charter equivalent, freight market, optimal option
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