A method for cleaning the exhaust gases of a marine diesel engine from carbon dioxide by adsorption, which occurs in parallel with the condensation of water vapor formed during the combustion of fuel in a diesel cylinder, is considered. A design of a device of increased efficiency for the purification of exhaust gases of a marine engine is proposed, the principle of which is the use of granulated slag pumice as an adsorbent for harmful components of exhaust gases and ozone as an oxidizing agent to speed up the purification process. A full-scale experiment was carried out in order to test the operability of the device and evaluate its effectiveness in cleaning real engine exhaust gases. A mathematical model has been obtained to assess the effect of the volumetric flow rate of the exhaust gases of the engine and the concentration of ozone at the inlet to the installation on the purification efficiency obtained as a result of using the proposed installation for the adsorption purification of exhaust gases from carbon dioxide.
marine engine, exhaust gases, carbon dioxide, extraction, adsorption, mathematical model
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