Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the experience of developing instrumentation and recording equipment for the aerohydrodynamic laboratory of the Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University (Novorossiysk). The existing methods for measuring and controlling the flow rate are analyzed. The scheme and principle of operation of a microprocessor device for controlling a DC-motor as part of a wind tunnel is shown. The scheme of connecting sensors, frequency controller and additional devices is described. The developed model of the device in the SimlnTech environment and elements of software control of the device are shown, the results of the system simulation are presented. Certain indicators of the quality of the regulatory system showed satisfactory results. A scheme for the implementation of an aerodynamic balance based on a gyroscopic sensor with an accelerometer is proposed.

aerohydrodynamic laboratory, flow measurement, regulator, DC motor, equipment, aerodynamic balance
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