The article presents effective scientifically based methods of ensuring cybersecurity, as well as the calculation of cyber risks and their assessment. All items are designed correctly and consistently. The article discusses several ways of calculating cyber risks to identify the most effective, shows the derived formulas for calculating risks, as well as potential damage, which must be taken into account when choosing measures and methods to ensure information security of all databases and systems. Using the example of a number of courts, the most effective methods of protecting information security were considered and proved. One of these methods to prevent cyber-hacking is the combined method, which increases the security of the system several times. The formula of the efficiency coefficient is given, which shows that the more methods are used to protect the system, the higher its security. In connection with the above, we can conclude: using all the necessary effective methods to ensure information security, recommendations for the prevention of cybercrime and performing a risk assessment calculation in an effective way, it is possible to avoid cyber intrusions and unauthorized access to all important information resources.
Information security, cyber security, virus, antivirus program, cyber risk, cyber hacking, cyber security plan, confidential informational data
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