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Abstract (English):
In this article it was investigated water solutions of PEG with various molecular mass and the same solutions with adding salts Аl2(SO4)3 and Fe2(SO4)3. For study was used Ubbelohde type capillary viscometer. For all solutions of polyethylene glycol with various fractions of PEG and salts,Intrinsic Viscosity was determined [η]. Using the values of the intrinsic viscosity, was calculated K and a parameters by the Mark-Houwink-Kuhn ([η] = KMα). Coefficients K and α are related to conformation and structure of macromolecules, nature of the polymer and solvent. As experiments have shown, with the addition of Аl2(SO4)3 and Fe2(SO4)3 to aqueous solutions of PEG, the intrinsic viscosity decreas, a increas, but K decreas with the increasing of consentration of salt. An increase in a indicates an increase in the volume of PEG macromolecules, greater permeability of the globule of the macromolecule. The constant K characterizes the interaction between polymer segments and solvent molecules. Reduction of the K coefficient reports unfolding of a macromolecule. Since the intrinsic viscosity in the presence of salts decreases and α increases, it can be assumed that with the increase in the volume of macromolecules (which indicates an increase in the quality of the solvent), the unfolding molecules are oriented in the flow and this leads to a decrease in the intrinsic viscosity. It can be said that the addition of salts the polymer-solvent interaction proves to be preferable to interactions, polymer-polymer and solvent-solvent.

polyethylene glycol, intrinsic viscosity, dilute solutions, inorganic salts
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