Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The history of the study of the interaction of water with hydrophilic surfaces, including the phenomenon of "polywater", is briefly considered. On the example of glass objects immersed in water, the formation of an "exclusion zone" (EZ) was traced, the decrease in the ion concentration in the EZ and its liquid crystal structure was confirmed. It is shown that EZ is formed both under illumination and in darkness. Molecular mechanisms of formation and growth of EZ are considered, which are based on physical adsorption caused by a decrease in the free energy of the system. The presence of cations in water significantly influences the formation of EZ. The nature of the effect is determined by the size of the cation (the density of surface charges). Based on literature data and the results of the study, the unified nature of the formation of hydrated shells around ions and the organization of EZ is discussed.

water, hydrophilic surfaces, EZ, physical adsorption, glass hydration
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