The solid-phase microextraction method in combination with capillary gas-liquid chromatography was used to study the composition of the biologically active components of a mixture of essential oils present in the gas phase above the sample. It was found that the extraction efficiency of volatile substances depended on the composition of the sample, the concentration of essential oils, the properties and structure of volatile compounds, the nature of the polymer sorbent, and the extraction time. The increase in concentration of essential oils in test samples resulted in the increase of sorption of more volatile nonpolar monoterpenes and decrease of sorption of high-boiling acetates and sesquiterpenes. It was found that polydimethylsiloxane had the highest sorption activity and capacity, a mixed polymer of polydimethylsiloxane with carboxene showed the minimal values. The addition of water to a mixture of essential oils led to an increase in the extraction of nonpolar compounds and a decrease in the sorption of polar substances.
solid-phase microextraction, capillary gas-liquid chromatography, volatile organic compounds, essential oils
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