The interaction of high molecular DNA with platinum compounds containing the dipeptide D, L-alanyl-L-leucine was studied. The influence of mononuclear and binuclear platinum compounds on DNA conformation in a solution was compared. The mononuclear compound (AL-1) contains a dipeptide in the form of a bidentate ligand attached to the platinum atom in a cis configuration. In the binuclear compound (AL-2), the dipeptide is a common ligand for two platinum atoms. The chlorine atom is in the cis position to this ligand for each platinum atom in AL-2. Compounds are electrolytes and are highly soluble in water. It was shown by the methods of spectrophotometry, circular dichroism, viscometry, and atomic force microscopy, that under the experimental conditions the AL-1 compound does not interact with the DNA molecule, while AL-2 binds to DNA with the coordination of a platinum atom to N7 guanine in the major groove. This is evidenced by an experiment with DNA protonation, that after the formation of DNA complexes with AL-2, the N7 guanine is not available to other agents. Binding appears at both low and high concentrations of supporting electrolyte (NaCl). Thus, not only electrostatic interactions play an important role in the formation of complexes of AL-2 with DNA. The change in the conformational parameters of DNA upon binding (molecular coil volume, bending stiffness or persistent length of DNA) is discussed.
DNA, platinum coordination compounds, solutions
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