The article presents the results of studies of some physicochemical characteristics of amorphous high-purity silica obtained from nepheline concentrate by sulfuric acid dehydration of silica-containing solution, which in turn was obtained from nepheline after its opening 25-30% H2SO4. The data on the surface morphology of the obtained SiO2 and its chemical purity by electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) are presented. The structural and surface properties of SiO2 obtained from nepheline were studied. The data on the specific surface area of the resulting silica (376-469 m2/g) in comparison with existing analogues, including those used as the main active drug in drugs - enterosorbents. The distribution of the specific surface charge in nepheline silica was studied in comparison with the sample of the pharmaceutical preparation "Polisorb MP" by the method of Parks. The similarity of the patterns of this distribution for both samples with a point of zero charge at pH = 9.588 is shown, which is due to the similar surface arrangement of silanol groups on the surface of these silicas. The results of the work allow to predict the possibility of using this sample of silicon dioxide obtained from nepheline concentrate as a basis for medical preparations of sorbing action.
nepheline, amorphous silica, sorption, intestinal sorbent
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