Institute of Botany ANAS
Baku, Azerbaijan
By using of microelectrode techniques, patterns of change in the potential (φm) and resistance (Rm) of the plasma membrane (PM) of Chara fragilis cells under the influence of Dandelion-Burdock (DBC) phytocomposition solutions were studied. It is important to emphasize that the results of the analysis of the potential distribution, resistance of the plasma membrane by the number of cells of Chara fragilis under the standard conditions is being presented for the first time. The Hogg method allows simultaneous measuring of electrophysiological parameters such as φm and Rm. The average value of these parameters were -183±4.9 mV and 9±1.2 Оhm·m2 under the standard conditions. For the action of low DBC concentrations (0.01 mg/ml) in the activation range of the KCOR was characterized by significant depolarization of PM. In this paper, the inhibition of ion transport through the PM is discussed from the point of view of oxidation, and hyperpolarization-changes in the physical state of its lipid phase.
Chara fragilis, membrane potential, membrane resistance, phytoprotectors, H+ - pumps, K+ - channels
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