Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Below we are presenting the database “Properties of artificial bacteriorhodopsin analogs. Version 2, 2020. From 1975 to 2019”, which combined information from our and literature data sources with duration period 1975-2020. The comparative analysis of our database, including the information on spectral characteristics and proton transport efficiency of the interaction products about 440 polyenic compounds with BO has shown, that by diversifying the chromophore nature, it is possible to directly change lmax in ABR spectra in a rather wide interval (from 412 to 830 nm), though not all these pigments are capable to cyclic photochemical reactions. In the frames of defined type modification relationship between lmax position in dependence of chromophore nature could be described by linear regression equations in axes (Y) - lmax SB or (SBH+, PLA) / (X) - lmax(CHO). These relationships could be used for the prognosis of the spectral properties of ABR from new retinal derivatives and BO.

retinal-based proteins, bacteriorhodopsin, retinal isomers and analogs, chromophore group modification, bacteriorhodopsin analog properties
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