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Abstract (English):
The antioxidant and antiradical activity of natural phytoalexin - resveratrol (RV) was studied in comparison with the antiradical and antioxidant activity of known antioxidants. The preparation possessed rather high values of the rate constant of interaction with peroxyl radicals. Resveratrol was shown to exhibit the properties of a strong inhibitor of free radical oxidation at low concentrations of [RV] £ 10-5M. In concentrations exceeding [RV]³10-5M , the RV exhibited prooxidant properties. A study of the antioxidant activity of RV on the model of mitochondrial “aging” demonstrated the presence of a high antioxidant activity at the drug. RV prevented the activation of LPO in the membranes of rat liver mitochondria at lower concentrations, than the known antioxidants ionol (dibunol) and mexidol. The presence of high antiradical and antioxidant activity in resveratrol probably could indicate the presence of anti-stress properties in the drug. Verification for these properties was carried out using the molecular genetic model of E. coli . Testing of various doses and combinations of RV with biologically active compounds such as a NO donor - TNIC-thio, thiourea (TU) and mexidol showed that the combined treatment of E. coli cells with RV / TU and a NO donor - TNIC-thio is almost 4-6 times enhanced the expression of the SOS and SoxRS genes of DNA of repair systems of defense. The study of the adaptogenic properties of the drug on models of acute alcohol poisoning (AAP) and acute hypobaric hypoxia (AHH) for rats, as well as water deficit (WD) for pea seedlings confirmed the presence of these properties. The introduction of 10-9 M RV to animals 45 minutes before AAP or AHH prevented the activation of LPO. In addition, the treatment of pea seeds 3×10-5M RV prevented the activation of LPO in the membranes of pea seedlings mitochondria in conditions of water deficiency. Based on the data obtained, it can be assumed that the adaptogenic properties of resveratrol are probably due to its antioxidant and anti-radical activity.

resveratrol, antioxidants, chemiluminescence, stress, lipid peroxidation, gene expression, mitochondria, E. coli
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