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Abstract (English):
Known experimental results on the influence of two factors on the mitosis of cancer cells are considered: - artificially created weightlessness; - the flow of microwave radiation from the Earth’s ionosphere. An interpretation of these results in the framework of supramolecular physics is presented. The generation of supramolecular structures (water-containing associates) in a living organism is considered taking into account: - proton transfer in the hydrogen bonding act due to the high degree of proton affinity for water molecules; - absorption of a quantum of microwaves by an electron on the Rydberg orbital, excited to this state upon its’ capture during neutralization of a charge introduced by a proton, which ensures an increase in the yield of stable water-containing associates; - generation of induced microwave radiation in the media of a living organism, forming a directed biological field in it; - formation, in the processes of collisions with water-containing associates, highly excited Rydberg molecules of biomaterials in living media. The proposals on the medical application of irradiation of tumors by a flow of microwaves with spatiotemporal modulation at an environmentally friendly nature-like level were discussed with a view to the possible inhibition of malignant cell division taking into account proton transfer, the appearance of Rydberg molecules in the biological media and the appearance of directed biological field due to induced emission.

associate formation in biological solutions, microwave irradiation from the ionosphere, induced and spontaneous radiations
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