The paper studies the effectiveness of the complex application of dolphin therapy and subsequent rehabilitation aimed at restoring the motor capabilities of the hands. The study included 80 children with infantile cerebral palsy, a form of spastic diplegia. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination, including the study of motor capabilities and psychoemotional status. It was found that in children with severe disorders of the psychoemotional status, the most effective was the use of dolphin therapy, followed by rehabilitation of the motor abilities of the hands. The data of the repeated examination showed a significant improvement in comparison with similar indicators of patients in the control group of the psychoemotional status of the child, an increase in the motor capabilities (p <0.01) of the hands. Thus, the use of dolphin therapy can significantly improve the psychoemotional status of the child, which in general allows for significant progress in the motor development of the manipulative function.
dolphin therapy, cerebral palsy, rehabilitation
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