Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Among the microelements, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus have the greatest influence on bone tissue. Calcium with phosphorus complement each other in their main function - preservation of the mineral base of bone tissue. The aim of our study was to compare the content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium in the blood serum in women with menstrual irregularities of the type of secondary amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea in reproductive age with healthy young women. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of women of reproductive age who were observed in the clinic of the Simferopol Central Regional Clinical Hospital, Simferopol, during 2018-2020 with menstrual irregularities. The patients were divided into two age groups, early reproductive period (23-34 years) and late reproductive period (35-40 years). Each group is divided into subgroups according to nosology: secondary amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea. The control groups included healthy women 23-34 years old (10 people) and 35-40 years old (10 people). For the determination of inorganic phosphorus, calcium. we used a set of reagents for photometric determination in biological fluids «Olvex Diagnostics», Russia. An examination was carried out in the Gemotest laboratory, Simferopol. Statistical methods were used to process the results using the STATISTICA 10 program. Research results. When analyzing the average indicators of total calcium in the blood in women with amenorrhea of 23-34 years, it was found that its content was 2.25 ± 0.15 mmol / L, which corresponded to the normal values, but was lower than in the control group (p <0 , 05). The calcium level in IIA and IIIA groups is significantly lower than in healthy women and did not differ from its concentration in the first group. Findings. The blood calcium content in women with menstrual irregularities by the type of secondary amenorrhea was significantly lower than in other groups. No significant decrease in the concentration of phosphorus and magnesium in the blood was found in any group. The mineral balance was impaired in all women with menstrual irregularities.

microelements, disorders of menstrual cycle, bone tissue
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