UDK 33 Экономика. Народное хозяйство. Экономические науки
The article notes the role of digital transformation in the context of globalization, examines its historical aspects, provides an overview of concepts, notes the author's approach to research, and also suggests classification features for further classification of the digital transformation system. In the course of the presented assessment, the relationship of digital transformation with the processes of integration and globalization is noted. The analysis of the research materials indicates a comprehensive assessment of the concept of "digital transformation", a comprehensive approach of many groups of authors. The article presents the features of the studied processes as an actual tool of globalization. It is noted that every year the role and importance of digital transformation processes increases and this trend, based on the influence of environmental factors, will continue in the near future. The purpose of the study is determined by the need to develop a unified approach to the assessment of the concept of "digital transformation". The research objectives are related to determining the impact of digital transformation on the processes of globalization, evaluating processes as a tool of globalization. The relevance of the research lies in the need to use a system of digital tools to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of transformation processes while achieving an integrated effect in globalization.
transformation, digitalization, globalization, digital transformation, global transformation, digital technologies
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